
Eleisha Everett

Created magic for 50+ … lets create for your too!

About Eleisha Everett

👋 My name is Eleisha, a curly haired 33 year old creator based out of Charlotte, NC and have created for 50+ brands across various industries. I have no niche except simply energetic content! I am your target audience from moms, to wellness, to busy human! Let’s make magic 🤩

Packages offered by Eleisha Everett

1 x UGC Video


Up to :45 seconds Multiple ratios Two hooks One body With and without music

1 x UGC Video


Script read No edits Up to 2 minutes

3 x UGC Videos


Up to :30 seconds Multiple ratios Two hooks each One body each With and without music each

1 x UGC Video


RAW Content Up to 10 5 second clips