
Tirza Ong

Kab. Klaten, Jawa Tengah

I'm a creator and social media specialist.

About Tirza Ong

I'm a mommy creator and social media specialist who hustle hard! I've been freelancing for 10+ years, and currently I'm working as a content manager at a digital agency based in New Jersey. I love creating content about skincare because I can share my genuine experience about skincare (and haircare) I am using - because guess what, my hair and my skin are important to me, not only because I love the feeling of having healthy skin and hair but also because as a professional dancer, I need to keep my body, skin, and hair healthy! I also love creating content about travel and tech because I've been working in a SaaS world for 3 years now - you know, that 'software world' with a male dominance (no, I'm serious, lol) also simply because I travel a lot for both leisure and dance trip. I also love creating educational content because I love helping people, teaching, and I've been an educator and trainer for young people in Indonesia. I also manage a network of 4,000 UGC creators worldwide, so I know exactly what my clients are looking for, and since I also understand the struggle of connecting, communicating, and negotiating with creators - I want to be a better creator myself.

Packages offered by Tirza Ong

1 x UGC Video


Get a single UGC video (30 to 60 seconds max) 2 rounds of revision (excluding reshoot) 2 variations of hook 3 days turnaround time

3 x UGC Videos


Get 3 UGC videos (30 to 60 seconds max each) 2 rounds of revision (excluding reshoot) 2 variations of hook 3 days turnaround time

5 x UGC Videos


Get 5 UGC videos (30 to 60 seconds max each) 2 rounds of revision (excluding reshoot) 2 variations of hook 3 days turnaround time

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